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Martial Arts

Research. Experiment. Create.

This unique training program uses concepts taken from several Martial Arts, formulating a Cross-training work-out. Using a weapons based system from Kali, to the drills and pad work from JKD, Panantukan and Thai-boxing. Cross-training gives you an all round workout, from aerobic performance, promoting a high level of co-ordination and improving balance and mobility. There are also positive effects on the brain, stress release and helping to boost confidence.

News & Events

Weekly cross-training classes held from 10am to 11am, contact for more details.

Fundamental classes in Kali & Cross-training. We will cover the basic’s of Bruce Lee’s Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do, element’s of Panantukan (Filipino Boxing) and Kali. Suitable for all levels. Email to register or to be updated on any future events via the mailing list.

Personal Protection open seminar - Sunday 14th July 2024 - Hosted by Fusion Fighting System


With special guest instructors:

Jason Daly - (Concept Martial Arts)

Jay Gauld (MCQC)

Michael Nembhard (Fusion Fighting System)

Sunday 14th July 2024 11am - 5pm

Tooting Leisure centre, Greaves Place, SW17 0NE

To register -

Coming soon Phase 1 & 2 course

Open to all emergency workers only, workshop delivered in English & German.

With the rising assaults on emergency workers its time to protect yourself.

Come learn some basic self-defence motions from a former London Police Officer.

Email for registration

Online classic boxing course -

Onlne boxing training, learn techniques and boxing combinations from the greats, such as Sugar Ray Robinson, Jack Dempsey, Ali & more.

watch this space for the official release date.

The Arts

Lee Jun Fan Gung- Fu

Jeet Kune Do

The late Bruce Lee’s Martial Art was his research and development method. This allowed him to find his own expression in the arts and was formulated to suit the individual. JKD utilises Boxing, Kickboxing, Trapping & Grappling methods.

Kali, Escrima, Silat, Panantukan

The ancient art of Kali originates from the Philippines. It is primarily a weapons based system. Kali also utilises various weapons, which in turn leads to proficiency in empty hands. Kali is unique in its principles, synchronisation through drills, hand, body and footwork and its fluidity. It improves hand and eye co-ordination and offers brain health benefits.


The deadly art of Thai-boxing, is known for its conditioning, defensive and offensive structures using the 8 limbs, striking with Punches, kicks, elbows and knees.

It is an all round fitness and combative art form.


Drawing from Ne-Waza (Judo), Catch Wrestling, Kali & Silat. This art form is looked at as an educational understanding, as opposed to the competition. Learning how to fight, if taken to the ground. The study includes take-downs, joint locks and manipulations.


Jason Daly has over 35 years experience in Martial Arts, he has been an instructor since 2009 teaching adults, children and teenagers. Jason has trained all over the world including UK, Shanghai, Italy, Toronto & Los Angeles. Jason has taught amateur boxers,actors, professional athletes, Law enforcement & security officers. Jason is a qualified instructor under Bob Breen & Rick Faye, both of his teachers are full instructors under Guro Dan Inosanto.

Jason primarily teaches Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do & Kali, additionally Panantukan, Thai-boxing and grappling. He also teaches and gives talks on Situational awareness, which is a key factor for self-defence.

Originally from London, England Jason now resides in Dresden, Germany, currently teaching at various locations.


Blackbelt Instructor under Guro Bob Breen

MKG International Level 1 Instructor under Guro Rick Faye

Cognitive Kali Apprentice Instructor Level 3

Blackbelt - Freestyle Kickboxing

Instructor - Wing Chun

Associate Instructor - Fusion Fighting System

Associate Instructor - Phoenix Martial Arts

Officer safety trained

First aid trained

Full Police background check


Jason Daly teaches in Dresden, Germany and UK, and is available for seminars, workshops and corporate training.

For venues or booking please contact:

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Research. Experiment. Create.


“My experience with Sifu Jason Daly has truly been transformative. The skills I’ve gained under his guidance are unforgettable. The classes are enriching, where you have the opportunity to learn and practice various Martial arts disciplines and engage in fitness sessions. Among all the styles, Kali stands out for me. Every class is a source of enjoyment, and each session offered is a valuable lesson.

Sifu Jason’s teaching approach is unparalleled. He dedicates time to thoroughly explaining the concepts, providing examples, and delving into each art form’s historical and cultural aspects. His knowledge is awe-inspiring. Even during lockdown when in-person classes were impossible, he continued to impart his wisdom through online lessons, which greatly aided me in navigating those challenging times.

I wholeheartedly endorse his classes. Sifu Jason’s unwavering dedication shines through in his teaching, making it an experience that goes beyond mere instruction.”

Lloyd Pettifer - Student

"I have had the pleasure of knowing Jason Daly as a friend and a teacher. I have been training in Martial Arts for over 30 years, but he has opened my eyes to alternative ways in my training in other arts. Jason is a very talented, passionate and patient teacher/mentor.

I would recommend anyone to the arts he teaches”.

Wayne Weatherstone - Student

Jason is an incredibly knowledgeable Martial Artist with a wide expanse of knowledge in Kali, Silat, Thai-boxing, Boxing, Grappling and much more. Jason’s expertise, coupled with well-structured teaching methods, caters to all levels, making it accessible for beginners and enriching for experienced practitioners.

Jason teaches with passion and has his best interest for all of his students. I confidently recommend Jason, if you are embarking on a martial arts journey or seeking to enhance your skills.

Hussain -

Director & Chief Instructor of

Fusion Fighting System

"It is my pleasure to highly recommend Jason, and his teachings. I met Jason through work but quickly became close friends. It was more than apparent Jason’s love for the Martial Arts and Boxing. I was privileged to have Jason teach me and train allowing me to compete in the Metropolitan Police Boxing Lafone Cup. I lost an incredible 16kg and won my under 64kg weight category.

I remain friends with Jason and even trained during the covid pandemic via zoom. I fully support, encourage and recommend anyone who would like to learn and train with Jason.”

Darren - Boxer

"Enriching our PYP PE Program at Dresden International School: Mr. Jason Daly's impact on Martial Arts and Personal Safety of our students"

“We are honored to provide this testimonial for Mr. Jason Daly, whose contributions have significantly enhanced our PYP PE program. His expertise in martial arts and his ability to convey this knowledge to our students are really commendable.

What truly distinguishes Mr. Daly is not merely his martial arts prowess, but also his calm and organized teaching methodology. He engaged with our students in a manner that not only educates but also brings enjoyment to the learning process. Our students eagerly anticipate in Mr. Daly’s classes and their enthusiasm is a testament to the great quality of Mr. Daly's lessons.

Furthermore, Mr.Daly consistently goes above and beyond by integrating the critical component of personal safety into all lessons. In our Grade 4 program, we have designated an entire unit to Martial Arts, Grade 1,2, 3 and 5 receive an introductory lesson on the topic. The feedback from parents and students really shows how valuable and important this topic is.

This valuable addition to our curriculum equips our students with essential life skills that extend beyond martial arts training. The instructor's unwavering dedication to emphasizing personal safety is a pivotal aspect of our program that we really appreciate.

In summation, Mr. Daly’s lessons have been and continue to be an outstanding asset to our curriculum. We are profoundly grateful for the positive impact he has and have had on our students, and we eagerly anticipate the continued enrichment of our partnership in the future and hopefully can expand this even more to our secondary students as well.”

Dresden International school - PYP PE teaching team

"Fostering Confidence and Safety: A Parent's Perspective on Mr. Jason Daly's Martial Arts Classes"

“Our daughter has been attending for over a year now. Her anticipation and enthusiasm for each weekly lesson are palpable, and she eagerly shares what she learns with us. As parents, we couldn't be more pleased with the content and approach of these classes, particularly their strong emphasis on personal safety and conflict avoidance strategies.

One of the most reassuring aspects of Mr. Daly's lessons is how they equip our daughter with practical tips and knowledge on how to navigate and stay safe in an increasingly complex and uncertain world. It brings us great comfort to see her come home with a heightened awareness of personal safety and a greater sense of confidence in her ability to handle various situations.

We are not only grateful for the valuable life skills our daughter is gaining through these classes but also for the genuine enjoyment she derives from them.

As parents, we sincerely hope that these classes continue to be offered at our school, as they have proven to be an invaluable asset to our daughter's personal development.”

Mandy Hennig and René Fest

“Our daughter took 3 semesters of Martial Arts with Jason. The course not only in creased her spatial awareness and physical prowess but also her confidence in her abilities and her capacity for influence and negotiation with her peers. I highly recommend Jason’s holistic approach to self defence. It is a great introduction to the martial arts”.

Sonia & Sandeep